Friday, May 18, 2007

Roid Landis and pro cycling continue to disappoint

Last July, I quipped on this very blog that I was sickened by the drug-induced mayhem that is professional cycling.

Sadly, it looks as if my first feelings were correct. I won't rant anymore; instead I'll point you to these two articles:

In Cycling, a Race to the Bottom
The Dark Side of American Cycling is on Display Now

All this pro cycling garbage makes me even happier that I'm headed out in the morning to go bicycle camping with the Rivendell fellas at Rivendell Weekend III.

Roid Landis, you still make me sick.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blériot is finished

Seven months later, he's all together. Yay!

Blériot, final build

Monday, May 07, 2007

new Flickr Slideshow + cycling

Today, we (Flickr) released a spankin' new slideshow. You can read about it over on the Flickr blog.

Some fun cycling-related slideshows:

650b bicycles
Randonneur Group
Bicycle Friendly

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

National Bike Month

This came through in my issue of Bike Bits today:

"Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There's something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym.

-- Bill Nye, The Science Guy

Amen, Bill.

As I've said before, my neighbor drives his V-8 truck less than 2 flat miles to work. He also owns a new bicycle. What am I getting at?

You may not know that May is National Bike Month in the United States. So, what do you say? Put that car away and ride somewhere. Get groceries on your bicycle. Skip the gym and ride the bike. Or, ride the bike to the gym! Or, *gasp*, ride to work. Let's stop being the fattest nation on Earth.