Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sierra Nevada

It pains me to no end to pay $7.99 + tax for a six pack of Sierra Nevada beer in the Bay Area. In Chico, all Sierra six pack products are $4.99, and 12 packs are $9.99.

I'm just sayin'.


Jeff O. said...

You know, you could plan ahead and buy it up here on the weekends.

I'm just saying......

Gino Zahnd said...

I can't do that; then I'd be that guy that plans his weekly beer consumption. :-p

Unknown said...

I hear that. Plus if you go to the Chico Costco, cases of pale ale are only 17.99. They had cases of Celebration for 18.99 but that's gone I believe. But I'll be checking on my way out of town this afternoon.

LOL at planning weekly beer consumption. You need to just get the kegerator for your Bay Area pad and bring down a $75 pale ale keg from the brewery. Then you don't need to plan to drink yourself silly, you can just do it.

Gino Zahnd said...

Good advice on the keg, Tony. Problem is, our studio in Berzerkeley couldn't be more than 350 sq ft. I guess we could use the kegerator as a table too.

Lately I've found that I can barely get through one beer. Must be winter. So, I don't know if a keg is a good idea. It might spoil before Claire and I get through it.

Chico Mountain Biker said...

If you get anywhere near the point of a beer spoiling I can be contacted to help rectify the situation. There is no charge for these services.